5 Things You Might Not Know About Ed Bellis

8 09 2009

Before you roll your eyes in disdain that this blog is perpetuating a meme equivalent of a chain mail, please understand I am posting this purely out of fear and self-preservation. After being “tagged” for this duty I expressed my concerns in participating via Twitter and received the following response from Erin Jacobs:

Screen shot

So… in an effort to control “my version of the truth”, as much as I don’t care to expose things not known about me (after all they are not known for a reason), here I go.

1. I have a FULL HOUSE. No, I’m not talking about poker. Literally, I’m married with 3 kids ages 6 and under, I have a dog, a cat and even fish (technically the fish is my daughters).

2. I come from a lineage of professional and semi-professional baseball players. I have had relatives who have played in both minor and major league baseball including my grandfather who pitched for a season with the Boston Red Sox and played with Ted Williams. I also played on the same baseball team in summer leagues with someone who eventually made it to the majors.

3. Speaking of lineage, I am #4 in a lineup of 5. I’ll let you figure that one out.

4. My first computer was an Atari 400 with a membrane keyboard and a whopping 4KB of RAM. My first two cartridges were Basic and Assembler. Later I added a modem and cassette drive. I was 9 years old, you do the math.

5. SHAMELESS PLUG: In an effort to hijack most public things I do these days, I have (along with @rybolov) become an un-official evangelist for SCAP. Do me a favor and go check it out.

As part of this meme, I am now required to tag 5 additional people because that’s how these things work I guess (smell the enthusiasm?). So my apologies to: Mike (@rybolov) Smith, Ben (@falconsview) Tomhave, Trey (@treyford) Ford, Alex (@alexhutton) Hutton, and Dan (@danphilpott) Philpott.